Gap Fillers UpdatesBREAKING! Another Paid Off Student Lunch Debt
Today, we paid off the $2190 student lunch debt at Kila School District #20. We could not have done this without you, Flathead Valley, and your incredible generosity. Receiving the check, is Kila School Counselor, Tarra (R). Tarra is a Kila School Alum, who went off...
⚡️More Deliveries On The Move!
Our volunteers have been busy! Receiving feminine and hygiene products today were: Swan River School - Dist 4 Creston School - Dist 9 Cayuse Prairie School - Dist 10 West Valley School - Dist 1 West Glacier - Dist 8 Every child deserves to feel comfortable and clean....
💥 BREAKING: You Did It, Flathead Valley!
Because of your incredible generosity, we have met our goal of $1095, the funds needed to match the $2190 student lunch debt of Kila School District #20! Your gifts will go a long way in ensuring that no child bears shame for lacking the funds for food. Thank you all,...
Our Support For HB 863 School Meals Bill: “No Child Should Bear Shame For Lacking The Funds For Food”
Yesterday, we joined school administration, food bank and other community officials in support of the School Meals Bill, HB 863. We thank our Flathead Lunch Staff and the many who go above and beyond to make sure hungry kids eat. No child should bear shame for lacking...
Our Testimony Today On Montana’s HB 863 “School Lunch For All Students”
Today, we will testify before the Montana Legislature committee on HB 863, "School Lunch For All Students." No child should bear shame for lacking the funds for food, and every child deserves the same meal opportunities as his/her friends. Your donations help us...
More Happy Summer Care Kit Deliveries!
Smith Valley School received Summer Hygiene Care Kits this week, and a special thanks to office administrator Trish and Principal and Supt. Dawn Matt (pictured) and staff for their dedication to our students at Smith Valley. Every child deserves to feel comfortable...